The groom to be are presented in their best form, and the bride to be are presented in their best form, and here starts the process of choosing and comparing. I believe if this process were limited to choosing, It would be good. But our selfish minds have gone a step further and started comparing, as if we are comparing the objects. The society has either turned upside down, or It never was in right order. Arranged marriages are but miracles!
Friday, 17 April 2015
Education turned Money making business
In the present world of globalization and availability of cheap labour has setup a trend of the education sector industry to loot public money through its high fees. First, they have very innovatively created so many disciplines to confuse the students and then loot the students' parents of their hard earned money. In this trend, some of the higher education schools and institutes have setup an astonishing trend whereby they charge enormous fees from the students, and still are not able to impart sufficient skills that the students do not find employment, or find employment of very low salary. Even some of the disciplines are such that their demand is too low, but take a very high intake only to earn money, necessarily making almost all students a source of cheap labour. The student might have obtained better monetory return had he/ she deposited the money in some fixed deposit or made an investment in property, etc. I think Krishna will have to take rebirth to expose this malpractice by the temples of learning looting the public!
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Looking back and ahead...
A family
An education
A job
Is that all ?
Only 3 above are able to engage me for most of my time. I have tried to figure out : who might be my best friend ? Yet trying to figure out: who might be my good friends ?
I figured out best friend : none. Good friends: some. So, Is it all a drama of friendship over facebook and real life. All the love is based on selfish gains. Is all the love a drama? Life is full of real bullshits, and moments of joy. They happen to us. We have to go with them. It's a process of learning. I have been thinking what the future is likely to bring ? Not sure... Only if we are ready to pluck the roses, they will come to us, and like-wise for the thorns...
I like night hours most... for It gives the freedom to get lost into self through sleep, and have complete control of self, and the best thing about it: It comes daily.
Still waiting to experience the satisfaction of serving...
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Expenditure Management
Note: The downloaded file requires Microsoft Office 2007 or later version to open.