Friday, 30 May 2014

I feel pain

I feel pain when I find people killing other people in the name of terrorism, self pride, ego, all the irrational logics. I feel pain when I find the women not being treated respectfully, as they should be. 
Why do a few handful of men treat the women as objects of pleasure and disposable item, to rape, murder and hang on the tree? What have they been not taught in the classes while they were attending the school? Or did they not attend the school? Who did not send them to the school? If they went to the school, who did not teach them to respect our women? If they did not go to school, why their parents not taught them such things? Instead what taught them to take lives as they wish? Surroundings and environment?, the movies? What?
God save the world from these worshippers of hate and crime!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


The above phrase being a prominent for the people from West Bengal. Its equivalent in English: we'll do, we'll fight and we we'll win. In Hindi meaning: "humlog karenge, larenge aur jeetenge". I am yet to hear the hindi version being spoken prominently among the youth in the Hindi speaking states. Yet many times, the mentality of youth is such that they want everything done without putting an effort. To excel, we have to think first for trying to achieve that! I feel It's this strong attitutde and learning of the Bengali people from the childhood that they have excelled in almost every field: be it literature, medicine, art, film and television, sports, academics, scientists. Long hail the tradition!
#This post is inspired by one of my facebook friend's status from West Bengal when enjoying the IPL match KKR vs other team, she updated her status as #korbolorbojeetbo few minutes back.