Sunday 23 August 2020

Sample Color Choice Test

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Save it or Break it!

This incident just happened to me right now. I had a transparent glass in my hand by which I was drinking water. A sudden thought occur to me, What if the glass fell from my hand by mistake. Shall I run away and save myself from getting hurt? Or else, I just put my leg in between the floor and falling glass at the last moment, to save the glass from breaking? 
What would you do?

Monday 17 August 2015

The Fevicol story: Perceiving things around us!

Few days back, while buying some stationery items including glue, I wanted to buy fevicol, but the shop owner didn't have fevicol. I tried to recall if I had the fevicol already at my residence, I couldn't recall. So, I decided to buy a local glue which he had.
Later when I came to my residence, I decided to check whether I had the fevicol. I checked my bag, and the small kit bag holding my toothbrush and daily usable items. To my surprise, a fevicol was there in the kit! Though, I would open the kit daily, take toothbrush and keep it back after use daily, I couldn't notice, I had the fevicol right there!
Why I couldn't notice the fevicol despite being its tube's very prominent white color. I was amazed at the way our sensory organ perceives things. While opening the kit daily, I was interested in only toothbrush, so, I didn't look/ care about the other items present right there! Our life's situation is similar: we perceive things which we want to! There may be a variety of options ahead of us. But we overlook many options, because we think about the desired result first and then choose the option. Why can't we see all options available ahead of us? Why don't we dare to think from the traditional path? Perhaps the answers lie within us!

Monday 20 July 2015

Career choices.

At this juncture of my life, I realize now, my dream job would be: "to travel widely and write down my experiences". Who will be the buyer of my experiences? Not sure, whether I shall be able to earn any rewards or sufficient rewards. But, I'll certainly try to earn as much as I can (through legal and honest means) by the time I reach 45-50, and then travel on my earned income.

Friday 17 April 2015

Arranged marriages

The groom to be are presented in their best form, and the bride to be are presented in their best form, and here starts the process of choosing and comparing. I believe if this process were limited to choosing, It would be good. But our selfish minds have gone a step further and started comparing, as if we are comparing the objects. The society has either turned upside down, or It never was in right order. Arranged marriages are but miracles!

Education turned Money making business

In the present world of globalization and availability of cheap labour has setup a trend of the education sector industry to loot public money through its high fees. First, they have very innovatively created so many disciplines to confuse the students and then loot the students' parents of their hard earned money. In this trend, some of the higher education schools and institutes have setup an astonishing trend whereby they charge enormous fees from the students, and still are not able to impart sufficient skills that the students do not find employment, or find employment of very low salary. Even some of the disciplines are such that their demand is too low, but take a very high intake only to earn money, necessarily making almost all students a source of cheap labour. The student might have obtained better monetory return had he/ she deposited the money in some fixed deposit or made an investment in property, etc. I think Krishna will have to take rebirth to expose this malpractice by the temples of learning looting the public!

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Looking back and ahead...

Looking back.. What all I have gathered,,,
A family
An education
A job
Is that all ?
Only 3 above are able to engage me for most of my time. I have tried to figure out : who might be my best friend ? Yet trying to figure out: who might be my good friends ?
I figured out best friend : none. Good friends: some. So, Is it all a drama of friendship over facebook and real life. All the love is based on selfish gains. Is all the love a drama? Life is full of real bullshits, and moments of joy. They happen to us. We have to go with them. It's a process of learning. I have been thinking what the future is likely to bring ? Not sure... Only if we are ready to pluck the roses, they will come to us, and like-wise for the thorns...
I like night hours most... for It gives the freedom to get lost into self through sleep, and have complete control of self, and the best thing about it: It comes daily.
Still waiting to experience the satisfaction of serving...

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Expenditure Management

This "Expenditire Management" Excel Sheet may be helpful for managing Savings and Expenditure :   Download Link (Latest Version).
Note: The downloaded file requires Microsoft Office 2007 or later version to open.

Monday 30 March 2015

Nagpur Chhindwara Gauge conversion

Field Training in Survey and Construction of Nagpur - Chhindwara Rail
line Gauge Conversion (From Narrow Gauge to Broad gauge)
We met with the Chief Engineer, Shri A K Pandey and Dy Chief Engineer,
Shri H N Tripathi on 24-03-2015. Our meeting was very interactive with
the officers taking a keen interest to impart all the knowledge they
could offer us. First we met with the Dy Chief Engineer, Shri H.N.
Tripathi sir in his office room. He offered us the tea and took our
introductions. Then gave the Final Location Survey Document of the
Gauge conversion project between Nagpur and Chhindwara, costing a
total of approx. 500 crores for civil engineering works, and covering
a distance of 150 kms, which comes to around Rs 4 crore per km. I
thought the cost was still less considering the future growth and
development it’s likely to bring in the region with the gauge
conversion. Then, we met with the Chief Engineer, Shri A K Pandey. He
seemed a very energetic person with a very friendly and positive
outlook. He interacted with us in a very enthusiastic mood and took
keen interest to impart us training. After a brief interaction with
him in his office, he took us in his car and dropped us at the ORH
situated at Mt. Road. He also asked us to be ready at 3.00 pm for
pickup. We had lunch at ORH, and got ready by 3 pm to be picked up
again by him to his office. Again we sat in front of him in his
office, and he directed one of his staff to take us on the local visit
of Nagpur the same day in evening. Further, he also made planning for
the next day field training of the Nagpur Chhindwara gauge conversion
project. It was scheduled at 8.45 A.M. the next day. A vehicle would
pick us probationers from the ORH and head for the construction site
at scheduled time next morning, with the Chief Engineer and Deputy
Chief Engineer and other officers in their cars. Then, we went outside
for the local visit.
Early morning next day, at schedule time, we were ready, and as
planned, a vehicle with SSE/Bridge, Shri Dwivedi, came to pick us up.
The road between Nagpur and Chhindwara was NH47, as I remember, and It
was well maintained. Entering into the Madhya Pradesh region and
diverting away from the NH, it took us to the earth roads into the
forest, where the project was being carried out in the middle of
forest, scarcely inhabited by local people. The view was scenic, with
a feel of Safari. We came to know the roads were built for the
construction project only, as It would be impossible to carry men and
material at the site of construction in loss of road infrastructure.
First we went to the site of the tunnel. It was being constructed with
the conventional method of blasting and clearing. We walked straight
into the middle of tunnel, since the work was already in progress, it
was filled with smoke, yet we entered and saw it. We entered up to the
distance which was already reinforced with steel beams. Then we went
to the site of bridge no. 83 construction site. There the Chief
Engineer was already present and inspecting the site. He met us there
and had a brief interaction, and directed other officers to show us
things and explain them. Dy Chef Engineer Shri H N Tripathi sir
explained to us regarding the method being carried out for the
construction of Foundation which was pile foundation at the bottom and
then one pier going above the abutment. The project was really big
with some of the heights of pier over 300 metres. It was amazing to
see it in the middle of jungle. Actually, these projects were being
carried out as a result of realignment of railway path. The existing
narrow gauge alignment being a sharp curve, the realignment was being
carried out for the B.G. line as per the IRPWM. We had lunch with the
Chief Engineer and other officers there and a brief interaction.
Later, again we proceeded to another bridge site, no. 89, the
metalizing of girders work in progress, and the trusses being
assembled near to the site, to be carried over on the piers. It was
just amazing to see the scale of work in the forest, far away from the
eyes of the daily chores of society and little do they would be
knowing what effort it took to build the tunnel and bridges of such
size, once they start using it, for it would take less than a minute
to cross the complete tunnel and another minute to cross the bridge.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Intention to do sth

Yesterday, Sr. Professor while teaching in class, gave some useful learnings, which I wish to write here. Somewhere, the discussion upon the “intent to do something” cropped up. He explained the above with the following short story:
The intent to do something by the convict is central to any award of punishment in the judiciary.  He told, this is not a modern development, and has been around since the olden times. A similar situation had come to Gautam Buddha. He had two cases came up in front of him:
1) A dacoit with the intention to murder and loot a person on his way, strangled him, and thinking he was dead, left him unconscious there. Somehow, the victim survived, and demanded justice.
2) A Doctor while treating a patient of the ulcer in stomach, as soon as he placed the knife on the stomach, the patient died.
Whom to hang?

The intent of the doctor was not to murder, in fact his intent was the noble cause of making the patient healthier. But, the patient died. On the other hand, the intent of the dacoit was to murder, however, the victim survived.

Monday 17 November 2014

The Road Less Travelled

Today I started reading a book " The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott Peck. The book is on a serious note and glances thrug the experiences of life. The author was a Psychologist who himself dealt with many real life mental health problems of people. He has nicely explained the various emotions and experiences of life. I wish to mention various points which I come across in the book in this blog, adding below:

I have created another blog for above purpose: Blog Link

Saturday 8 November 2014

Contracts and Tenders

Yesterday, there was lecture of contracts and tenders in class. Some of the things which Sr. Professor  taught us, and I like to mention here:

1) To qualify, the tenderer has to meet the technical eligibility and financial eligibility. ( he must have carried out a work of similar nature of atleast 35% of the tender value, and the turnover in the qualifying period should be atleast 150% of the tender value).

2) L1 is valid, eligible, technically acceptable lowest bid tenderer.

3) The lowest bid tenderer need not be L1, if the above mentioned criteria valid and technically acceptable are not met.

4) The Tender Commitee has to consider the offer of such L1 only, whether to accept, to reject, or to negotiate.

5) If L1 backs out, CVC issued a letter in 2004 regarding this situation, that the only option available with Tender committee is to reject the tender, and re-invite the tender.

Saturday 4 October 2014

A beauty Skin deep

The beauty that is an illusion,
To attract all the attention,
And the whole world is fooled by its miracle.
A beauty that's only skin deep!
Because it's a showpiece,
And the people out there wander in search of the same,
little do they know what they need!

Friday 30 May 2014

I feel pain

I feel pain when I find people killing other people in the name of terrorism, self pride, ego, all the irrational logics. I feel pain when I find the women not being treated respectfully, as they should be. 
Why do a few handful of men treat the women as objects of pleasure and disposable item, to rape, murder and hang on the tree? What have they been not taught in the classes while they were attending the school? Or did they not attend the school? Who did not send them to the school? If they went to the school, who did not teach them to respect our women? If they did not go to school, why their parents not taught them such things? Instead what taught them to take lives as they wish? Surroundings and environment?, the movies? What?
God save the world from these worshippers of hate and crime!

Wednesday 28 May 2014


The above phrase being a prominent for the people from West Bengal. Its equivalent in English: we'll do, we'll fight and we we'll win. In Hindi meaning: "humlog karenge, larenge aur jeetenge". I am yet to hear the hindi version being spoken prominently among the youth in the Hindi speaking states. Yet many times, the mentality of youth is such that they want everything done without putting an effort. To excel, we have to think first for trying to achieve that! I feel It's this strong attitutde and learning of the Bengali people from the childhood that they have excelled in almost every field: be it literature, medicine, art, film and television, sports, academics, scientists. Long hail the tradition!
#This post is inspired by one of my facebook friend's status from West Bengal when enjoying the IPL match KKR vs other team, she updated her status as #korbolorbojeetbo few minutes back.

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Link to Service Conduct Rules of Indian Railway: Click Here
I am writing some excerpts from there:

"Every railway servant shall at all times-
 (i) maintain absolute integrity;
 (ii) maintain devotion to duty; and
 (iii) do nothing which is unbecoming of a railway servant."

Sunday 6 April 2014

Shopping Experience at Flipkart!

My first order on Flipkart was long back on 18-Sep-2011 and I had ordered four Books costing total Rs 196 only. Since then, Flipkart has been a good companion for shopping needs. I have used the site to buy a variety of items ranging from Room Freshener, Pen-sets, Clothes, shoes, Mobile, watches and even Badminton Racquet. Though it has the option of Cash on Delivery, I find it inconvenient as an additional process of going to ATM and giving the money to Courier boy is added. Instead, I do most of the transactions online only.
One of the great help has been regarding buying the books. The book display system on Flipkart is good enough with Contents break-up and number of Pages, to suggest what the book may contain, and if aided with Google Books, one may find what exactly he/ she is looking for! Google Books has the preview of many books available, looking at which, one may find, if that books is needed or not! Especially, that becomes important when there are many choices available, and one is not able to choose from among the many choices. Even in a Bookshop, the supplier supplies “Book on a Subject” of not many authors and Publications. At shopping website like Flipkart, “Book on a Subject” by many authors are available. Particularly, As I have realized going with the engineering books, many books which the students follow or as referred by other students are voluminous! When I have to buy a book on a subject, I look at the number of Pages which the book contains. If the book contains too many pages, say more than 300, I avoid that at the first instant, knowing, I might never be able to complete the book! Instead, I look for books by other author containing less pages, aided with Google Books Preview. If I find that satisfactory, I place an order. Most of the times, but not always, the Experience has been good! In the Process, I have also come across a variety of new issues and subjects, which I might have never read, because, I have just glanced at the book, available on Flipkart, and found it interesting, and put an order. One important thing, is if we have to prepare for an Exam, we have to study the same thing again and again, so long as that does not come in our memory, which I never do, so, I do not expect much, I hope so!
Other area of shopping has been the clothes. Only hesitation is the first order of a particular Brand, because, the size may not fit! However, there is an option of Returning the Product. So, That issue is already taken care of. I find it much economical to buy from the Flipkart given the discounts offered almost always, or else, I buy only when the discounts are being offered! But, It does not reduce the quality. I have been satisfied almost always with the quality of the Products available at Flipkart. If I have to buy a high price item, of course, I consult the other sites for the price, but most of the times, Price at Flipkart has been reasonable, and if there is minor difference, I’ll prefer the service provided by Flipkart. Also, lack of requirement of physically going to store to buy an item, has introduced within me the habit of shopping, thereby increasing the expenditure costs!

So, It’s like this that when I have to buy a Product, I look for its availability at Flipkart, and If available, I prefer the Flipkart!